Color Space


RGB Cube  v.1. 1. 2001

This software displays the RGB cube transformation in different color spaces (RGB, XYZ, xyY, I1I2I3, UVW, LSLM, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, LHC, HSV, HSV Polar, CMY, HSI, HSI Polar, LHS, YUV, YIQ).

ColorSpace  v.1. 1. 2001

ColorSpace and RGBCube are made freely available to promote knowledge of color. ColorSpace and RGBCube are 'research-grade' rather than commercial-quality softwares; they are used in color science teaching.


AiGfxLab  v.

This application is a VisualC /MFC application for Windows, and is designed as a lightweight 'shell' host for several different plug-in types, such as file format, color space, and image processors.

PhotoFreebies  v.2.0

PhotoFreebies is a collection of free plugins for performing useful photo manipulations and effects like sepia effects, saturation gradients, b/w conversion, color space transformations and many more.

Colorz  v.1.3.1

Colorz is a tiny software that allows you to use three scrollbars to specify colors in the RGB color space by manipulating the R intensity, the G intensity,

Natural Color Expert  v.2.0

Natural Color Expert is a program developed by Samsung to maximize and optimize the capability of the Syncmaster XL20 monitor for broad color bands.

Color Setups for QuarkXPress 7  v.1.0

An output setup describes the capabilities of various types of output devices and determines how colors are handled in various output scenarios.

Ximagic GrayDither for Mac OS X  v.3.6.5

Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering.

Ximagic GrayDither for Windows (x32 bit)  v.3.6.5

Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering.

ColorSafe Beta  v.1.0

ColorSafe is an open-source stand-alone program which converts color values from hexadecimal to RGB triplets, and vice versa.

SIGMA Photo Pro  v.

Sigma Photo Pro is an exclusive software package for displaying and manipulating your Sigma digital camera images on your computer.

Ximagic GrayDither for Windows (x64 bit)  v.3.6.5

Ximagic GrayDither is a Photoshop plugin for Windows x64 bit to reduce color/grayscale images to n-level gray using dithering.

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